Quality and Environmental Protection

Lahntours is a service-orientated operator that uses a great system to secure high quality standards. We do not take quality for granted:

  • We regularly do further training to maintain and constantly improve things
  • We understand ourselves as a team that works together for a premium customer service
  • Every team member is approachable and happily answers any questions or wishes the customer might has
  • We collect and award regularly great improvement suggestions from our staff

Lahntours-Aktivreisen GmbH is a „Qualitätsmanagement Wassertourismus“ certified operator through the German Tourism Association. We operate under the guidelines of this quality label in the canoe tourism segment. The label is financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology and contributes with its quality criteria to a more professional and quality-orientated canoe tourism in all of Germany. Part of this is of course the preservation and protection of the water and river landscapes involved.

Qualitätsmanagement Wassertourismus

Lahntours-Aktivreisen GmbH was awarded with the quality and environment label of the Federal Canoe Association. We were one of the first operators in Germany who received the award due to our high quality and customer safety standards as well as for our effort to protect the habitat of the river landscape. Both, the Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, support this label, which is now part of ''Viabono'', another label for environmentally friendly and quality-orientated tourism. 

Qualitäts- und Umweltsiegel im Kanutourismus

Lahntours is an active member of the Federal Canoe Association. This association is promoting a close to nature canoe tourism and represents the interests of canoe tourists. It is their goal to harmonise the canoe tourism and the nature preservation so that future generations can enjoy a healthy environment as well.

Bundesverband Kanu e.V.

Lahntours is an active member of the Federal Association of Water Sports. Since 1961, the association is a competent partner for the water sports industry and a strong community that can influence politics and public authorities. The political commitment of the association goes far beyond the nation, because water sports is an international topic. Working in many international committees ensures that German water sports interests are heard and discussed worldwide.

Bundesverband Wassersportwirtschaft e.V.

Lahntours cooperates with the regional tourism association: Lahntal Tourismus Verband e.V. The Lahntal once being a hidden treasure only a few people knew about becomes more and more a successful tourism region with a well developed infrastructure and a great range of offered activities. 

Lahntal Tourismus Verband e.V.

Lahntours is an apprenticing company of the chamber of commerce. We think of the future and see it as our duty to train young people for the following professions: management assistant for tourism and leisure, management assistant for tourism, travel agent and office manager.   

IHK Ausbildungsbetrieb

Frankfurt & Rhein-Main mit KindernRecommended by the Journal Frankfurt: We count to the top activities you can do with children in Frankfurt & the Rhine-Main area! Learn more. Live more. Well advised from the beginning!
The ultimate family guide FRANKFURT & RHEIN-MAIN MIT KINDERN with all its extras is the reference book for families. It contents the best guidance and care programs, helpful shopping and parenting tips as well as great recommendations on what to do with your kids on the weekend. These and many other topics make it very easy for local families to discover the metropolitan area and its surroundings. Interesting and relevant topics, many extras and promotions, plus 4 issues complete this offer.

Official project of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
Bildung für nachhaltige EntwicklungAt the round table of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development the German national comity awarded a project, which we are involved with, to be an official project of the UN decade. The declared goal of the the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development is to establish an economical, ecological and socially sustainable development in all areas of the education system for the world population. International lead agency of the decade is the UNESCO. In Germany the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development is under the patronage of the federal president of the Federal Republic of Germany. Responsible for its coordination is a national comity under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Gerhard de Haan, educationalist at the Freie Universität Berlin which was formed by the German UNESCO commission. To learn sustainability should become a matter of course for everybody in the education system. The awarded projects are an example for innovative and broadly effective implementations of the decade. Their award intents to spread the goals of the decade widely across Germany. This supported by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt), Friends of the Earth Germany (Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschlands) and the Federal Canoe Association (Bundesvereinigung Kanutouristik e.V) initiative, to which Lahntours-Aktivreisen contributes as well, has the goal to develop nature experiences and environmental education programs especially for children and youth groups from educational weaker backgrounds.