Tour options for youth groups and school trips
on the Lahn

Your group is planning a tour that should involve activity, initiative and team spirit? Furthermore you are looking for a group experience, which shows each individual what they are able to achieve and gives them a sense of nature and our environment? And this all together should also be lots of fun?

Welcome to Lahntours! We are for around 40 years a specialist in organising youth tours. We are offering experience-orientated school trips and youth camps with outdoor educational aspects on the Lahn. Our canoe tours give young people the chance to play a part instead of only consuming entertainment. Lahntours-Aktivreisen is an active project partner of ''Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung" (Education for Sustainable Development), which was awarded by the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD). Your school trip or youth camp can profit from this extensive experience!

As the needs and financial possibilities of each organisation do vary, we offer different tour packages and options to accommodate those. It all starts with the very affordable basic package that involves a high do-it-yourself portion. However it can be expanded through further options to improve your own comfort. For supervisors and teachers we offer free places!

All tours are suitable for beginners. At the beginning of the day we explain and practice the canoe handling in easy waters. This includes how to act in fast flowing waters and how to operate the locks. Of course there is still enough time for your own group program.

We use Canadian canoes, which are very easy to handle canoes. They offer enough space for two or three people including luggage. Part of the standard equipment are single bladed paddles, live jackets, dry bag and waterproof barrel, plus a map. To wear a life jacket is absolutely mandatory.

You can book an existing tour package or we help you to organise a tour according to your individual needs. Please get in touch and we will be more than happy to discuss your options and to find the perfect deal for you.


BasicPackage - do it yourself

This is our most competitive canoe tour option. You hire the canoes including the equipment such as dry bags, live jackets and maps and will guide your group on the river yourself. We will take care of the canoe and equipment transport. We will of course provide you with a detailed introduction, so that you know how to steer a canoe and will reach your destination safely. With this option we will also give you some help regarding the planning, such as selecting the best route for your needs. After finalising the booking, we will send you all relevant documents and information material including accommodation options and more.

Day trip per person: €18 (public holidays/weekend excluded)
Please contact us about our special offers and free places for carers!

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Guides & more - with tour guide

Here we will take care of the whole tour organisation and a trained guide will lead the group on the water. At the drop off location we will help you load the canoes, give your group a detailed introduction about canoe techniques and address all questions you might have regarding the tour. Your equipment contains here as well dry bags, waterproof barrels and life jackets. Lahntours is taking care of the planning and booking of the campsites. You will travel downstream in prearranged daily stages from campground to campground, where the group will each night pitch their tents and prepare diner. There will be still plenty of time to relax, exchange the stories of the day and make plans for the next one. Fresh provisions can be organised daily and locally. We aim for a close cooperation between the guides and teacher/carer teams, here the guide's responsibility lays mainly on the water and the teacher will be in charge on land.

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AdventurePackage - canoe and tipi

Experience the Lahn on one of its most beautiful sections for a very competitive price, including one night in a original tipi village. The tipi (or tepee) is the legendary tent of the North American Natives. In this up to ten meters high tents can sleep 6 people quiet comfortably. If the weather permits you can enjoy a campfire in front of the tipis. However in case of rain you don't need to miss out as it is possible to use the fireplace inside the tent! Enjoy a real Indian adventure atmosphere. By the way, you can travel from and to our locations very comfortably by train.

Our services:

  • 2-days canoe tour from Aumenau/Weilburg to Limburg/Diez with a night in Runkel
  • Accommodation in a real Indian tipi village
  • Canadian canoe for 2-3 person with life jackets, dry bags and waterproof barrels, river map, detailed introduction, canoe transport and insurance

This offer can be booked Mondays to Fridays, public holidays are excluded.
Price per person: €50

Optional: Stay another night after your tour in the tipi village.
Two nights with the exact same conditions and services: only €65!

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